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Subject: Ordering the 3D World camera
Date: 2006-10-20 04:30:19
From: DrT (George Themelis)
I am ready to order my 3D World camera and I need 4 more people to order
with me so I can get the retailer discount :)

Here is how it works: You pay me and I get you the camera at about the same
price that you would pay if you ordered it directly from China. I save you
the hassle of figuring out how to pay them (they do not accept paypal,
credit cards, or checks) and you have nothing to lose. You will get it as
fast and with the same exactly warranty and at the same price as you would
do if you order directly from China.

For full details, please contact me via email at drt-3d@att.net

Thank you,

George Themelis