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Subject: Pushing Velvia 100
Date: 2006-11-18 23:14:02
From: Michael K. Davis
Hi Dale,

At 11:37 AM 11/18/2006, you wrote:

>Aslo can the new Velvia 100 be pushed?

According to the Fuji data sheet, Velvia 100 can be pushed one stop, but
even at its rated ISO, Velvia 100 is every bit as saturated and contrasty
as Velvia 50. With all reversal films, pushing increases contrast and
saturation. I've never pushed Velvia 100, but have no interest in doing
so, except perhaps in very flat lighting, under a solid overcast, for
example. Even without pushing, all the Velvia's are so saturated that I
don't use them in bright sunlight - doing so leaves you with blocked
shadows or blown highlights, take your pick.

I pushed Velvia 100F to 200 in very flat light at Arches National Park but
even in that light, the shadows were all but lost. I only just got away
with it in terms of contrast and the saturation was out of the ball park
unnatural, but it worked well with all the red rock formations.

For use in just about any light, I recommend pushing Provia 100F to
200. Its contrast and saturation are moderate before pushing, so it
handles a push far better than any Velvia can.

Mike Davis