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Subject: 1/30 rule - question
Date: 2007-01-20 22:28:58
From: coronet3d
I recently read that 35mm shooters use a rule-of-thumb where they
determine the ratio from closest object to lens separation by dividing
by the focal length of the lens. For instance in a "normal" case 1/50,
which kind of makes sense to me as 1/30 in my experience seems to be a
little aggressive. Is there such a rule-of-thumb calculation for MF
(6cmX6cm) focal lengths? Please don't refer me to a chart, I want
Thank you,
Subject: Re: 1/30 rule - question
Date: 2007-01-21 12:04:42
From: Chuck Holzner
"coronet3d" wrote:

>I recently read that 35mm shooters use a rule-of-thumb where they
>determine the ratio from closest object to lens separation by dividing
>by the focal length of the lens. For instance in a "normal" case 1/50,
>which kind of makes sense to me as 1/30 in my experience seems to be a
>little aggressive. Is there such a rule-of-thumb calculation for MF
>(6cmX6cm) focal lengths? Please don't refer me to a chart, I want
>Thank you,

That is a bad question to ask here. I would suggest that you find a book "The world of 3-D by Jac. G. Ferwerda" and read it. Ferwerda knows how stereo photography works and his book is the best on the subject that I know.

Chuck Holzner

Sent via the WebMail system at mail.firstva.com
Subject: Parallax
Date: 2007-01-31 20:03:55
From: Don Lopp
> >Recently seen om MF3D-Group: 1-17-07

< I can only say that, when using a stereo camera, a
> comfortable range of parallax can be had all the way out past the end of the comfortable
> range of focus. ?
What is the meaning of, "past the end of the comfortable range of focus"?

IMO, if I am taking a picture of the moon, the parallax should be close
to ZERO.

Best regards,