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Subject: care and feeding of my film
Date: 2007-02-09 14:05:38
From: John Thurston
I really like shooting my TL120 but not every day
or every excursion yields good images.

I keep the majority of my film in the freezer and
one or two rolls in the refrigerator. When I grab
a camera and head out, I'll grab the roll from the
refrigerator and sometimes a couple from the freezer
as insurance.

Quite frequently, I'll return from my excursion
with the same number of rolls of unexposed film
with which I left home. I drop the rolls back
in the refrigerator/freezer and move on with
my life.

Are the thaw/freeze cycles affecting my film or
my future images? Consider that:
I'm not a professional
I buy 5-12 rolls at a time (not 20-100)
I don't grade my film an sort by lot #s
In Juneau, even when "thawed" the film seldom
sees a temperature higher than 70 degrees F
We're talking about Fuji E6 films
We're talking about both 135 and 120 formats
The film is kept in unopened canisters or foil
until I actually load the camera
John Thurston
Juneau Alaska