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Subject: care of film
Date: 2007-02-09 16:39:50
From: chrisjachner
Hi John!

I don`t put my films in the freezer, I just take them out of the
refrigerator. I do this early enough that the film gets the "normal"
temperature from outside. I try to avoid taking pictures with a film
that just went out of the fridge! If I return back home with films
that I didn`t use, I just put them back in the fridge. I never had
problems with that method and always got good results! I`m also just
an enthusiastic non-professional, but thats my experience! Your mail
brings me also to one question: Is it necessary or recommended to put
films into the freezer for longer storage? Or do I take enough care
for my films by storing them in the refrigerator?

Kind regards, Chris