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Subject: Film Lattitude
Date: 2007-05-26 22:18:43
From: Chuck 3D
Linda wrote:

> I
> use Provia 100 as my general purpose film for both 35mm and MF
> stereo. And I have tried both Velvia 100 and 100F in 35mm in
> past and didn't care for either, although some people like
them. I
> didn't care for the high contrast/low latitude, and I also seem
> recall that the color balance was not to my liking. The greens
> looked very odd to me with at least one of these
mulsions. -Linda

In general I agree with Linda. I had used Velvia 50 for quite a
while in 35mm and then some in MF. The slow speed was a problem
at F/22 in MF. I found Provia 100F, when it came out, to be much
more to my liking. It has finer grain and less color saturation
giving more realistic views than Velvia.

Over the last year or so I have been noticing that Provia 100F is
more contrasty in MF (Sputnik) than in my 35mm cameras. A
professional photographer (actually makes a living at it) told me
that 6X6 cameras produce more contrast than 35mm cameras. He did
not seem to know why. Using both for photographing covered
bridges, which are generally rather dark inside even with bright
sun outside, has left me wanting a good color slide film of lower
contrast (read that "more latitude") at least for my MF shooting.
I am now trying some Astia 100. Astia 100 has somewhat less
color saturation as well and I feel it is more natural looking.
I expect to be using it more.

I would like to try other slide films that have very fine grain,
lower contrast, and low (read that "more correct") color
saturation. I can't find any slide copy film in 120 format.
Any suggestions?

Chuck Holzner