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Subject: AWOL at NSA/ISU convention
Date: 2007-07-02 10:03:17
From: jamesbharp
Thanks for offering to pass some of my slides around at the convention David. I've
emailed you to arrange to take you up on this.

Unfortunately work issues for both meyself and my wife will make it impossible for me to
attend the convention. Here are a few things I hope some of you who are going can look

With regards to the TL120 camera, is there anyone who can modify the thing to go down
to f32? Now that I'm mostly using Provia 400X this would come in very handy. I could
get my hundred dollar Sputnik to do this...

Also regarding the TL-120 is there a user installable shutter lock available? The more I
use the camera, the more this seems to be a crucial feature. It is extremely easy to
accidentally trigger that little shutter button, it's happened to me a few times. One time I
was quickly trying to get a unique "people" image and managed to fire the shutter with the
strap five times while winding the film. That was a great set of images. Once the shutter
fires you have to wind the film to re-cock the shutter, even if you didn't ruin the film be
exposing it. Fear of accidentally firing the shutter has made this camera a lot less fun to
use. Often I get a subject to pose and then have to ask them to wait while I wind the film.
With my Sputnik I always wound right after shooting, and then would cock the shutter
once everything was ready in my shot. A seperately cocked shutter with multiple
exposure capabilities would be even nicer (also currently available on $100 Sputniks).

I would also like to know if there is any way to get a single MF camera with the same
optics as the TL-120. I would even be interested in the possibility of buying the TL120's
optics separately and grafting them onto a Mamiya TLR or something similar. The one
thing I can't do with my TL-120 is instantaneous hypers, something I really miss now that
July 4th is coming.

I don't want to seem like I'm whining about the TL-120 which is a delightful camera and
has let me take many amazing images I could never get otherwise. I'd just like to improve
it a bit.

Jim Harp
Subject: Re: AWOL at NSA/ISU convention
Date: 2007-07-02 10:29:20
From: Brian Reynolds
James Harp wrote:
> Thanks for offering to pass some of my slides around at the
> convention David. I've emailed you to arrange to take you up on
> this.

The MF3D Folio II will be at the convention, so you'll have some of
your other slides at the convention too.

> Also regarding the TL-120 is there a user installable shutter lock
> available?

Did you see John Thurston's page on adding a shutter lock to the


> I would also like to know if there is any way to get a single MF
> camera with the same optics as the TL-120. I would even be
> interested in the possibility of buying the TL120's optics
> separately and grafting them onto a Mamiya TLR or something similar.
> The one thing I can't do with my TL-120 is instantaneous hypers,
> something I really miss now that July 4th is coming.

If you have a Mamiya TLR, why would you want to use TL-120 optics?
Since the TL-120 doesn't have a leaf shutter I think you would have
trouble making the exposure even if you mounted the optics on a Mamiya
lens board.

Brian Reynolds | "But in the new approach, as you know,
reynolds@panix.com | the important thing is to understand
http://www.panix.com/~reynolds/ | what you're doing rather than to get
NAR# 54438 | the right answer." -- Tom Lehrer
Subject: Wanted: A TL-120 Lubitel
Date: 2007-07-02 12:51:18
From: jamesbharp
I have seen John Thurston's clever solution, but I believe I read that 3D World was now
selling TL-120s with a shutter lock and was curious to know if this might be a user-
installable upgrade.

> > If you have a Mamiya TLR, why would you want to use TL-120 optics?

What I want is an additional monoscopic MF camera with the same optics as the TL-120 so
I can shoot simulatneous hypers without having to buy and carry around two TL-120s. I
realize it's possible to cover one lens and use a slide bar or shift the tripod to take hypers
with one camera, but I hate the little bits of retinal rivalry that inevitably get into those
sorts of shots.

Some Sputnik owners have acquired Lubitels for this purpose.

Jim Harp