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Subject: Suggestions for 3D World
Date: 2007-07-19 06:44:04
From: jamesbharp
I'm glad to hear 3D World is interested in suggestions and I think it's a great idea to try to
relay to them a consensus of what their users would like to see. Here's my wish-list for
the TL-120 camera in order of priority/feasibility

1. A shutter lock. This is essential. I ruined another two images on July 4th by
accidentally firing the shutter while quickly winding to try to capture some cool fireworks.
It's just far too easy to fire that shutter by accident.

2. f32 f32 f32 f32 f32!!!! You don't have to use it if diffraction is a concern, but it irks me
that I was able to get better DOF on my Sputnik than this camera!

3. A PC jack. It would be great to be able to use a shoe mounted flash and simultaneously
connect a second flash to a PC jack.

4. I would prefer a separately cockable shutter with the capability of doing double
exposures, but I don't know if others here would agree.

Of course a focusing lighted viewer would be great, I don't think anyone would argue with

Jim Harp
Subject: Re: Suggestions for 3D World
Date: 2007-07-19 06:52:24
From: David W. Kesner
Jim Harp writes:

> 1. A shutter lock. This is essential. I ruined another two images on
> July 4th by accidentally firing the shutter while quickly winding to try
> to capture some cool fireworks. It's just far too easy to fire that
> shutter by accident

This has already been done. All current models have this feature.
Unfortunately it is an internal modification and cannot be retro-fitted
to previous models.


David W. Kesner