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Subject: New Velvia 50
Date: 2007-07-23 16:59:49
From: Bob Schlesinger
I just tried my first roll of the new Fuji Velvia 50.
My local camera store, Citizen's Photo, was lucky enough to get an advance shipment of 120 film
(For example B&H doesn't have it and doesn't even list the120 film on its website yet).
ps - The store doesn't have it in 35mm yet, nor do they know exactly when they will get it.

I ran a quick test - doing one roll of Velvia 50 and then repeating essentially the same shots with Velvia 100 Pro.
All shots were taken under even lighting (overcast sky).

The very unscientific results - the films are similar but the Velvia 50 seems a bit less contrasty and has a little less blue to it.
Reds were very deep and truer than the 100.

Viewing with a loupe, grain was excellent - but then again, the grain of the 100 in the shots I did were also very good so doing grain specific test shots would tell more.

Overall, I am very pleased with this film. So far, I'd say it seems different than the old Velvia 50 but depending on the subject, a possible improvement over the 100.
I'll be buying more to try in different situations.

Bob Schlesinger
Portland, OR