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Subject: coin operated 3d viewer question?
Date: 2007-12-27 09:02:18
From: Dr. Kevin Pernicano

Has anyone seen or tried the coin operated stereo viewers?  Seems like it might be a nice conversation piece in one's 3D home to display a series of stereo images.  What do they cost?


Dr. Kevin Pernicano
Louisville, KY, USA (Home of the Kentucky Derby)

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Subject: Re: coin operated 3d viewer question?
Date: 2007-12-27 21:09:54
From: Harry Calderbank
--- In MF3D-group@yahoogroups.com, "Dr. Kevin Pernicano"
> Has anyone seen or tried the coin operated stereo viewers? Seems
like it might be a nice conversation piece in one's 3D home to
display a series of stereo images. What do they cost?
> -kp

Hi Kevin,

I have a few of these coin operated viewers including two on
permanent public display in a couple of separate tourist visitor
information centres. They are proving to be impressive to those who
use them but there is a certain amount of "What the hell is that
thing?" that most people appear to think to themselves. I'm
experimenting with different signage that makes it a little more
obvious and hopefully entices them to have a look. They are getting
daily use and being enjoyed.

In the home I must confess to hating the silver toy like look of the
thing and have plans to build a couple of them into a nicer antique
style wood and brass enclosure. So hopefully it will eventually be
good to look at as well as good to look into.

I can't help with your local price. I bought mine cheaply through 3D
World just before they appointed a sole rights distributor here in
Australia who charge three times as much.
Subject: Re: coin operated 3d viewer question?
Date: 2007-12-28 09:53:52
From: DrT (George Themelis)
> What do they cost?

I sell them for $695 delivered:

I have a viewer and personally I like it and I think it looks cool. A
local friend has bought half dozen of these for installation in
museums. He has reinforced the base by adding extra weight and has
tweaked the focusing.
