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Subject: NSA Convention
Date: 2008-06-05 05:02:35
From: LeRoy Barco
If it would be appropriate, can we send a message reminding people of the NSA Convention
in Grand Rapids as a "Special Notice" so people who are signed up for that mode could be
reminded of the approaching deadline for early registration and that they can register online?

I understand people who are overloaded with email who opt for special notice mode and just
check into the site occasionally would miss routine reminders.

Subject: Re: NSA Convention
Date: 2008-06-05 18:21:15
From: Sam Smith
--- In MF3D-group@yahoogroups.com, "LeRoy Barco" wrote:
> If it would be appropriate, can we send a message reminding people
of the NSA Convention
> in Grand Rapids as a "Special Notice" so people who are signed up
for that mode could be
> reminded of the approaching deadline for early registration and that
they can register online?


Please visit the NSa website for more info:


BTW, so far it appears at least one folio may make it to the
convention, the medium format international folio. As far as
attendees, I know David Kesner, Dr. T and Matt Neima are going to
represent us MF3Ders. Any body else?
