Subject: Yahoo changes to "Neo" formatDate: 2013-08-28 12:58:59From: Linda N
FYI, Yahoo is in the process of redesigning their groups interface, changing individual members (not groups) over gradually to the "Neo" format, which will probably be less functional than the old format, and in the short term is not working well. You will see an extra /neo/ in the new websaite address eventually. For now it does not seem to be interfering with email delivery, as far as I know, but those who use website access will be seeing changes, either now or likely in the next few weeks.
I am one of the lucky members who has already been switched over, and today I cannot access my groups at all. I understand that message search may not be available in the new format, and I am not sure about other loss of functionality in the "new improved" format.
If you have difficulty with the new format, DO send feedback to Yahoo. You may of course contact me or the other moderators offlist, but we may not be able to help much. -Linda N