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Subject: MF3D folio opportunities in North America
Date: 2015-02-08 23:37:43
From: John Thurston
I was preparing this note for distribution when I learned of
the death of David Lee, one of our most accomplished and
generous artists. It saddens me deeply to know I will no
longer have the opportunity to learn from his comments and
suggestions. But that sadness and grief at his passing does
not change the fact that are vacancies in folios.

Do you create your stereo images in medium format?
Do you want to share your art with other MF3D artists?
Do you want the opportunity to view others' MF3D art?
Do you live in North America?

MF3D occupies a very small niche in the world of stereoscopy.
If you create MF3D images, please consider joining a folio.
If you are a newbie, your images will reach an audience of
experienced photographers who may be able to help you
improve. If you are an old hand, your images will be able to
inspire newer photographers to improver their craft. There
are no fees. No salesman will call. The only costs are the
$12 needed to send the box of slides to the next participant.

For the sake of completeness, the folio concept is:
A box of about forty medium-format stereo slides arrives in
my mailbox. I view the images, leave comments for them on a
web page, and share the images with other people I know who
are interested.

Then, I remove my slides from the box, insert 2-4 new ones
and mail the box on to the next person on the list. In eight
months, the box again arrives in mailbox (having completed a
circuit) with all new images in it.

It is wonderfully refreshing and inspiring to receive this
kind of package in the mail. If you create medium format
images, please consider joining. If you know someone (maybe
in your club) who does MF3D and who doesn't participate in
this list (yes, there are some), *please* let them know we
have openings. This is an opportunity to see and share
wonderful work.

For a preview of some recent work in the folios, visit:

John Thurston
Juneau Alaska