Subject: Fwd: My old reliable MF viewerDate: 2015-06-09 22:14:22From: Don Lopp
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Subject: | My old reliable MF viewer |
Date: | Tue, 09 Jun 2015 20:52:01 -0700 |
From: | Don Lopp |
To: | |
The basis for the design of my firs MF viewer, which some called my 'crustmatic viewer', was built after seeing my first Saturn MF viewer, which came about after a visit to Portland Ore which came after my introduction Joel ALPERS EXPO, which included V Master, and 35 mm slides. I included a MF viewer to the package, but I failed build a robust viewer, and it fell apart during transit. Later I visited a Portland, Ore 3D enthusiast who showed me his Saturn MF viewer, which really turned me off, so I built my Crustomatic viewer, using Achromats from the periscope of a WWII Sherman tank, purchased in the 1950's. My viewer had a geared focus drive, adjustable interocular and panel light. I always considered the Saturn viewer to be of a mediocre design. Mike Davis was the first one to mention my MF viewer, using favorable adjectives. In recent years I have designed and built a WA MF viewer, which my current optical critics don't believe it ever existed, though it does, in fact, exist! Regards, DON DON