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Subject: Fwd: My old reliable MF viewer
Date: 2015-06-09 22:14:22
From: Don Lopp

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Subject: My old reliable MF viewer
Date: Tue, 09 Jun 2015 20:52:01 -0700
From: Don Lopp
To: photo-3d@yahoogroups.com

The basis for the design of my firs MF viewer, which some called my  'crustmatic viewer', was built after seeing my first Saturn MF viewer,  which came about after a visit to Portland Ore which came after my  introduction Joel ALPERS  EXPO, which included V Master, and 35 mm  slides. I included a MF viewer to the package, but I failed build a  robust viewer, and it fell apart during transit. Later I visited a  Portland, Ore 3D enthusiast who showed me his Saturn MF viewer, which  really turned me off, so I built my Crustomatic viewer, using Achromats  from the periscope of a WWII Sherman tank, purchased in the 1950's.  My  viewer had a geared focus drive, adjustable interocular and  panel  light. I always considered the Saturn viewer to be of a mediocre design.  Mike Davis was the first one to mention my MF viewer, using favorable  adjectives.  In recent years I have designed and built a WA MF viewer,  which my current optical critics don't believe it ever existed, though  it does, in fact, exist!  Regards,  DON  DON 

Subject: Re: Fwd: My old reliable MF viewer
Date: 2015-06-11 12:14:39
From: coronet3d

Has anyone modified one of those old 6x13 or 7x13 glass plate viewers to be used with modern mounts?


Subject: Re: Fwd: My old reliable MF viewer
Date: 2015-06-13 08:38:32
From: zilch0md
Hi Don,

I haven't posted to this forum for several years, but I faithfully "lurk."  The lack of response to your recent post, thus far, is most likely due to the majority of today's subscribers having never had the pleasure of using your viewer, so I felt compelled to affirm your claims regarding the venerable creation.

I still consider your Crust-O-Matic, to this day,15 years and counting, to be the best-performing MF3D viewer I've ever used. I remember well my first reactions. It just gets everything right.

It offers large diameter lenses that support a big range of IPDs, has a higher magnification than most (on the order of 65mm, if I remember correctly) but with no distortion (rare, given the FL), it's easily focused, and offers bright and uniform lighting with a diffuser that's set far enough back from the film plane to avoid seeing dust.  And best of all, it looks like a prop from one of the Mad Max movies. You're a great engineer, Don, but fine craftsmanship is not your forte.  :-)

You checked all of the boxes when you built that viewer and you've produced many views that are both technically and artistically masterful.  

My hat's off to you Don...

Mike Davis
Subject: Re: Fwd: My old reliable MF viewer
Date: 2015-06-13 08:49:56
From: Bob Venezia
…and that is without having seen Don's more recent viewer. It has the same craftsmanship (i.e. it's held together with duct tape!). But at a meeting of our club a couple years ago, I trotted it out along with my Sam Smith Regal viewer.

I would show each person a good view in the Regal. And then immediately show the same view in the Lopp viewer. The reaction was, almost invariably, "HOLY CRAP!!!!" after seeing the view in Don's viewer. Our club president compared it to watching IMAX -- you feel totally immersed.

Bob Venezia
Seattle, Washington
On Jun 13, 2015, at 7:38 AM, zilch0@verizon.net [MF3D-group] wrote:


Hi Don,

I haven't posted to this forum for several years, but I faithfully "lurk."  The lack of response to your recent post, thus far, is most likely due to the majority of today's subscribers having never had the pleasure of using your viewer, so I felt compelled to affirm your claims regarding the venerable creation.

I still consider your Crust-O-Matic, to this day,15 years and counting, to be the best-performing MF3D viewer I've ever used. I remember well my first reactions. It just gets everything right.

It offers large diameter lenses that support a big range of IPDs, has a higher magnification than most (on the order of 65mm, if I remember correctly) but with no distortion (rare, given the FL), it's easily focused, and offers bright and uniform lighting with a diffuser that's set far enough back from the film plane to avoid seeing dust.  And best of all,! it looks like a prop from one of the Mad Max movies. You're a great engineer, Don, but fine craftsmanship is not your forte.  :-)

You checked all of the boxes when you built that viewer and you've produced many views that are both technically and artistically masterful.  

My hat's off to you Don...

Mike Davis

Subject: Re: Fwd: My old reliable MF viewer
Date: 2015-06-13 09:52:53
From: Geoffrey S. Waldo
Yes! The most beautiful creations arise when form follows function, and this is a prime example. 

Sent from my iPhone

On Jun 13, 2015, at 8:38 AM, zilch0@verizon.net [MF3D-group] <MF3D-group@yahoogroups.com> wrote:


Hi Don,

I haven't posted to this forum for several years, but I faithfully "lurk."  The lack of response to your recent post, thus far, is most likely due to the majority of today's subscribers having never had the pleasure of using your viewer, so I felt compelled to affirm your claims regarding the venerable creation.

I still consider your Crust-O-Matic, to this day,15 years and counting, to be the best-performing MF3D viewer I've ever used. I remember well my first reactions. It just gets everything right.

It offers large diameter lenses that support a big range of IPDs, has a higher magnification than most (on the order of 65mm, if I remember correctly) but with no distortion (rare, given the FL), it's easily focused, and offers bright and uniform lighting with a diffuser that's set far enough back from the film plane to avoid seeing dust.  And best of all, it looks like a prop from one of the Mad Max movies. You're a great engineer, Don, but fine craftsmanship is not your forte.  :-)

You checked all of the boxes when you built that viewer and you've produced many views that are both technically and artistically masterful.  

My hat's off to you Don...

Mike Davis