I'm taking digital for video: TD10 to shoot workshops (it's a study trip) and W3 for underwater.
I was considering going all digital for this trip, but where's the artistry / fun in that?
So, it's down to the TL-120-1 and the Rolleidoscop.
The last time I went to Cuba (Havana) I took the TL-120-1, and swore I'd never do it again. It was bulky and every time I took it out of its case a crowd gathered.
However, the bonuses are: razor-sharp lenses, built-in light meter and the ability to shoot 220 film so that I don't have to reload as often.
The Rolleidoscop I own has been all over the world, so it would be great to add another location to its itinerary. It produces images that have a wonderful vintage aura about them, is relatively portable, less obtrusive and I have a close-up lens for it. The main drawbacks are the lack of light meter and the fact that I have to reload after every five stereo pairs.
All in all, if this is my biggest problem in life, I'm doing okay! :)