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This website was set up in November 2019 to store the archived messages of analog photography related groups on Yahoo! Groups after Yahoo announced that they were going to delete the archives. Several of the groups originally started on other websites that hosted list archives such as onelist and e-groups which were acquired by Yahoo! Groups. I have tried to delete all the spam messages and to make the reading experience as good as possible. If you find any spam that I have overlooked, please contact me and I will endeavor to remove it. If you have any analog photography related content that is in need of a home on the web, please reach out and I will see if I am able to host it.

Finally, if you downloaded the content of some Yahoo! groups (for example using PG Offline software) that do not fall under the purview of this website, but you are interested in creating a web-archive similar to what exists on this webpage, don't hesitate to reach out and I will see if I can help you generate some html pages from the downloaded messages.